Hire a full-time writer
Automate SEO and content marketing with AI help

Gringo Press

Gringo Press is an irreverent content marketing agency and publisher.

What we offer?
- We create SEO-optimized, long-form articles, so you can improve search rankings and grow organic traffic – all for less than the cost of a full-time writer.

What you get?
- 50 long-form articles per month
- 3,500 - 4,500 words per article, linking, images, related videos, etc...
What you pay?
- $3,000 setup fee
- $2,000 per month after that
- works if you have an existing site on WordPress, Ghost, Wix, Shopify, or Unicorn Platform
- we can start a site from scratch for you too, if needed
Are there examples of your work?
- Of course. Here is a blog we manage, our first product.
Do you have anything cheaper?
- Yes, same particulars as the larger plan
- 20 long-form SEO-optimised articles per month, $1,000 per month
I want to drown my competition in content and win this SEO game.
You got anything bigger?

- Yes, same particulars as the other plans
- 100 long-form SEO-optimised articles per month, $4,000 per month
I don't want all this content.
I just want a simple landing page for my small business.
Can you do that?

- We got you
- Setup and maintenance of a one-page landing site, $99 per month
- Does not include analytics, integrated email, unlimited revisions, 24/7 support, or a blog

To get started:
Ping me on X @sterlingterrell
Email me at: sterling[AT]gringopress[DOT]com
Or simply, buy now. 👇

Made with ❤️ in Lubbock, TX.